WHAT? Two New Male Lions Mate with Ross Lionesses

Mabande moved in on Trilogy turf and mated with the Ross Pride Breakaway lionesses. Two of the Trilogy returned to reclaim their land and their “women”. They fought with Mabande and he kept a low profile for a while. During his hiding out phase, the Trilogy mated with the Ross Pride Breakaway’s and conducted a successful buffalo kill which they dutifully shared with the lionesses. Mabande came back with a vengeance and mated with the Ross girls. So much for lying low. We knew Mabande would be back and try to claim a kingdom.

Over the past couple of days, since our last update, Mabande has been patrolling and scent marking around nThambo Tree Camp and Africa on Foot. Like we’ve mentioned before, we’re watching the Trilogy, Mabande and Ross girls dynamics with intent. However, we could not predict what happened this morning. The events of this morning have thrown a spanner into the works. And a large spanner at that.

A-team rangers Mike and Greg phoned through with this information. We’ve edited a fair amount of their verbal feedback – the excitement is mounting and it’s evident in our ranger’s vocabulary.

Greg says, “Caro, ok, are you ready? We saw two young male lions, one had no mane but he was quite big. The other one had a beautiful golden mane and blonde locks. The younger one with no mane was really skittish and nervous, so he disappeared really quickly. The beautiful one stayed because the Ross Pride Breakaway lionesses were there! At the same time we saw Mabande’s tracks everywhere and he’s definitely headed to where the new males and the Ross girls are at the moment…”

Mike interrupts and says, “They were mating! The one with the thick mane was mating with one of the Ross Pride lionesses. We managed to get a decent sighting of him and there was plenty of noise and aggression during the mating session. This new male was contact calling and announcing his presence. Overall, both newcomers were slightly anxious.”

Male Lion nThambo

Male Lion Klaserie Male Mating Ross LionessesKlaserie Male Lion

At this stage, rangers haven’t ID’d the two new males to the Klaserie. The mating session is still happening at Swart Dam and rangers from nThambo and Africa on Foot will head down there on this evening’s game drive. Interestingly enough, there are also six lions on a buffalo kill slightly east of where the action is unfolding. Will Mabande approach the area tonight?

The stakes are high at the moment with plenty of fighting and lions moving in and out; which is creating a shift in dynamics. This could explain why the Ross Pride Breakaway lionesses are mating with any male which crosses their path.  Greg has a theory. He thinks, perhaps, that this is a tactical move from the Ross girls and isn’t just about them being “easy”.  If the Ross girls mate with all the potential new kings, it means that their cubs will be safe because there’s no telling who the father might be. Remember, if a new dominant lion takes over an area he may kill the existing cubs so he can mate and continue his own bloodline.

We’re looking forward to the feedback from tonight’s game drive in the Klaserie. Good luck out there, it’s a war zone of warriors and potential kings.

Follow the series here:

Episode 1: Unknown Male Lion in the Klaserie 

Episode 2: The Introduction. New Male Lion in the Klaserie

Episode 3: Mabande Mates with Ross Pride Lionesses

Episode 4: Mabande Male Fights with Trilogy Males

Episode 5: Battle of the Klaserie Continues: Mabande vs Trilogy