Lions Chase Hyenas & Wild Dogs Off Their Kill

Lion charging in black and white

The location of the lion kill was full of activity yesterday afternoon. With hyenas getting into position to get a piece the buffalo carcass, we were anticipating a bit of snarling from both the Ross Breakaways and the clan of scavengers, but what we weren’t anticipating was the arrival of a pack of wild dogs! The lionesses were not happy to risk losing their hard earned meal, and chased both the dogs and the hyenas away with a powerful charge in their direction. The dogs ran for it – wise enough to not get physical with feasting lionesses – and the hyenas scattered briefly in a fit of hysterical cries and giggles.

Lioness licking her lips

Wild dogs and hyenas approaching lion kill

Lions chasing the wild dogs

Lions charging at the wild dogs

This sort of interaction between predators is remarkable to watch, and the guests at Africa on Foot and nThambo Tree Camp were thrilled with the excitement. After an almost unbelievable presence of wild dogs in the area lately, unknown lions sneaking through during the night, and the ferocious Hercules Pride keeping the Ross Lionesses on their toes, this was the cherry on top! Needless to say, the wild dogs took off after the lionesses made their intentions clear, but once again, morning game drive produced. The wild dogs had chased a herd of impala and after trapping one, they began to feast. It’s a gruesome sight, but it is fantastic to see the predators thriving during a very concerning drought.

Hyena sniffing the air

Lion taking chase in black and white

Lioness feasting on a buffalo

Lioness feeding on buffalo