We recently wrote a blog post about the prolific predator sightings in the Klaserie over a 24 hour period. If you recall, there was a sighting of 6 unknown lions eagerly tucking into a giraffe kill, 15 wild dog puppies huddling together on the road, and 3 cheetah relaxing after a recent kill.
The lions have been in the area for quite some time, nursing their massive meal. Photographer Em Gatland was quick to arrive on the scene, and spent ages photographing these beasts in various positions around the “dinner table”. The lions have been moving between the waterhole and the carcass, and spent days feasting on the meat – even when the carcass began to rot. Em’s unbelievable images showcase a number of common occurrences at a predator feeding site. There are stills of bones being crunched, flesh being ripped apart, full-bellied lions, close-up portraits of crimson fur in the indigo colour night, and action-packed photos of cats chasing scavengers.
Without further ado, here is Em Gatland’s portfolio of lion images fresh from a giraffe kill.
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